To deliver products that our customers can use with peace of mind, we give full consideration to the raw materials and supplemental materials that we procure from our suppliers, and we are committed to the practice of fair, transparent, and free trade. We also value our partnerships—not only in Japan but also around the world—in all our activities to procure materials.


Materials procurement

The Toyo Seikan Group seeks to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society throughout the supply chain—not only on our own but also with our suppliers, who are partners of critical importance that support our business activities. Toyo Kohan procures materials with attention to quality, price, delivery, reliability, service, and other economic factors, as well as reducing environmental impact. We source outstanding raw materials, supplemental materials, equipment, parts, and services not only in Japan but also widely throughout the world. We look forward to receiving active proposals from clients to build strong, wide-ranging partnerships with our suppliers.

Green procurement at Toyo Kohan

  1. Objective
    In undertaking environmentally friendly “green procurement,” our objective is to procure materials as appropriate in order to thoroughly eliminate any hazardous substances and reduce our environmental impact.
  2. Scope of application
    This applies to all procured items delivered to our company and used in the production of our products, as well as to all of our suppliers. (Procured items are defined as coils of raw materials, films, chemicals, and any other supplemental materials.)
  3. Requirements for green procurement
    The requirements for green procurement that we demand of our suppliers are as follows.
    • Disclosure of information on regulated chemical substances specified by our company.
  4. Disclosure of information on procured items
    We ask our suppliers to report on whether each procured item contains any of Toyo Kohan’s designated regulated chemical substances, using our designated “Report on Regulated Chemical Substances,” at the timing indicated below.
    Timing for disclosure of information to Toyo Kohan
    • Before new procurement commences
    • When a change in raw materials, suppliers, production sub-contractors, manufacturing conditions, production sites, production facilities, etc. of a procured item might result in a change or potential change in contents
    • At the time of any change to Toyo Kohan’s regulated chemical substances or in response to extraordinary request for investigation
  5. Information management
    We appropriately manage information disclosed by our suppliers, and do not disclose it externally except for disclosure in accordance with laws and regulations or for use in disclosing information on our products at the request of customers.

Partnership Building Declaration

In order to build new partnerships by promoting cooperation and mutual benefit with our supply chain partners and other value-creating businesses, we have announced our own “Partnership Building Declaration.”

Endorsement of the White Logistics Movement

We also support the White Logistics Movement and are making efforts to improve logistics.